If you have a registered trademark or pending trademark application with the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO), you might be the target of several scam companies. Since the basic information of your
trademark is public knowledge, scammers might try to confuse you and request
money in order to avoid what they allege in this notification
"cancellation of your mark". The picture below is an example of this problem.
you received a notification that requires you to make a payment for your trademark,
always contact your attorney before you send payment. All
your correspondence regarding your trademark will be sent to you by your
of these scam notifications will
state on the bottom "This is not an invoice" or "This
is not a bill", therefore is does NOT require you to make a payment.
of these scam notifications will
state that they are in fact a "private corporation" and "This service has not been endorsed or approved by the
Federal Government and this offer is not being made by an
agency of the Federal Government".
There are several scams, please be very careful! As a firm we are receive scams all the time. Our clients call us questioning these "invoices". If you do not have an attorney, your correspondence regarding your Trademark will be from the USPTO only. Any other agency will be a scam.You can also contact us at info@westpatentlaw.com for a consultation.