Click Here to RSVP and Register for our FREE seminar on Patent Law Changes in Walnut Creek on October 11, 2011
As of September 16, 2011, the U.S. Patent Laws will shortly be changed forever from a first-to-invent system, to a first-to-file under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act. There are numerous changes within the timeline of this law from the date of enactment to 18 months out that will completely change the way in which a patent is completed. You must act now to preserve your rights before the new laws become effective.
As of September 16, 2011, the U.S. Patent Laws will shortly be changed forever from a first-to-invent system, to a first-to-file under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act. There are numerous changes within the timeline of this law from the date of enactment to 18 months out that will completely change the way in which a patent is completed. You must act now to preserve your rights before the new laws become effective.
Below are some useful government links to the newest Patent information available.
USPTO New Effective dates for Patents:
America Invents Act:
USPTO Fee Schedule:
The USPTO is continually updating the laws and what they mean. You can find more information on their website at:
As you can see from looking at some of the information provided on the links, the new Patent Laws can be extremely confusing to understand. Trying to comprehend how the laws will or do affect your patent(s) / business in the coming months may be disconcerting or frustrating. Therefore, making sure you plan accordingly is extremely important. Some of the changes include filings for both small businesses and micro entities; as well as, the way the submission of prior art is used and a new fee schedule that applies to all the changes.
Should you need more assistance in understanding the new law, or to find out how the changes may affect your patent(s) / business, we are offering a seminar coming up in the next week. Come to our seminar on October 11, 2011 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Heather Farm Community Center – Club Room, 301, North San Carlos Drive at Ygnacio Valley Road.
Click Here to RSVP and Register for our FREE seminar on Patent Law Changes.
Click Here to RSVP and Register for our FREE seminar on Patent Law Changes.